Monday, July 2, 2012

The Students Step it Up! - Week 6

This past week was the infamous week 5, also known as Staff's last week! Amongst the craziness of a number of students volunteering at Newbreak Church helping rebuild, work, and staff packing up, and the students being placed into their new leadership positions, disciplers (student staff) and disciples (students) alike met for their final one-on-ones. The disciplers gave their students a vision plan, which called out greatness in and set both short and long term goals for each student in their walk with God. This was very encouraging and was bittersweet as it marked the final meeting between the disciplers and their disciples, yet also encouraging as it put emphasis on the bond created. The bittersweetness carried over into the staff farewell banquet friday night (pictures to come), in which each staff member was honored, and each DNA group put together either a poem, song, or speech to recognize their discipler. Amongst the tears and laughs, the new leadership established their prominence with a rejuvinating talk that included a vision plan, and what they want out of this summer.

Since then, the students have began to get accustomed to the staff being gone, and being leaders, even if they are not on leadership. It has been an exciting, but exhausting, past week and a half, but God has brought us through and we all look forward to the spiritual growth we are going to experience over the next month!!

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