Wednesday, July 18, 2012


This week's theme is "Unashamed." We have been encouraged this week to go out and be unashamed about our faith when evangelizing. The last 2 nights we have gone out into the community to share our faith boldly. We split into 2 groups and half went to the beach to try to use the Soularium while the other half went to two main streets in the town to share. 

The Soularium works very well in the beach community. We are able to set it up in the sand close to the boardwalk and many people are drawn to it and ask us what it is for instead of us going up to them. On Tuesday night, a group doing  this talked to a guy who told them that he did this on the beach 5 years ago. When he did it, he was an alcoholic and had been lost in the world and didn't know God. After hearing what the college kids on the beach had to say, he took a Knowing God Personally booklet. Later on, he prayed to receive Christ into his life and he turned his life around. He has been 4 years sober and was excited to see more college kids out on the beach doing what saved his eternal life. He was so encouraged by what we were doing and tried getting people passing by to take our "survey." He was truly unashamed of his faith and his Savior and wanted to share with others so they too could experience what he had 5 years ago. 

Along with going onto the beach, we tried starting conversations on the streets and a few people did so by holding signs saying "we will listen." One group started having a conversation with a homeless lady and found out she was a Christian. It was inspiring to see that even something like being without a home couldn't make her lose her faith in the One True God. She clearly knows what it really means to be a Christian. Knowing God is with you is all that should matter.  

As we continue this week, we are encouraged to keep the theme in our minds as we go about our daily business whether it is work or volunteering. This is not just something that we need to do for the week, but for the rest of our lives. Christ told us to take his word to the nations and it is not just a suggestion but a command. We are not to be ashamed of our beliefs or what God did for us and we need to make our belief known to everyone we know. 

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